Noble-metal/metal-oxide-semiconductor nanostructures as an important material platform have been applied in mas-sive dat......
We present astraightforward and accessible method to fabricate high densityZnO nanowires (NWs) with tunable morphology.O......
Recently,Ag-doped one-dimensional (1D) ZnO Nanomaterial has been reported to be able to fabricate field effect transisto......
INTRODUCTION ZnO nanowires(or nanorods),which possess the characteristics of wide direct bandgap and large exciton bindi......
利用Ar 等离子体处理ZnO纳米线, 通过对不同处理时间后的样品进行变温光谱测试, 分析了处理前后ZnO发光性质的变化。结果表明:随着......
Nanostructure-enhanced detection is promising for a number of applications such as early cancer diagnosis,environmen......
We describe the synthesis of Ag-doped ZnO nanowires by immersing in the AgNO3 solution and their applications to gas......
我们为乙醇气体察觉演示了传感器的应用程序。ZnO nanowires 与 interdigital 电极基于传感器被制作,并且一个平台被构造测试传感器......